Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Stepping Outside the Comfort Zone

While I generally don't consider myself a daredevil I do like to do things that make me uncomfortable.  I really had a fear of public speaking and I still get nervous but I do it anyway.  I cannot share news on health, nutrition and exercise if I don't speak directly to people.  Reading a blog is informative but hearing and participating really increases your level of understanding.  I love the energy of an engaged crowd and the give and take that you don't always get from a blog.

I have a fear of heights so I went up to the observation deck on the Empire State Building.  I also took a trapeze class.  The Empire State Building wasn't bad because it's fenced.  Trapeze, even though I was tethered with a big net below, scared the heck out of me.  I did it anyway and it was scary, exhilarating and empowering.

Running 13.1 miles was not something I believed I could do.  I figured I'd walk a good chunk of that.  Much to my delight, I ran that distance more than once. Again it was so empowering to know I could accomplish that.

So my latest crawl outside of my comfort zone is taking part in a teleconference.  I will be interviewed for an hour and I will share my weight loss journey, my self doubts and self sabotage , my aha moments and why I think we have to make ourselves a priority.  Honestly, there is a reason the airlines tell you to put your oxygen mask on first before assisting others and it applies to your daily life as well.

You can listen to me and 15 of my colleagues as we share our various journeys.  Some have overcome debilitating illness, some have let go of the body hatred and abuse, others have brought back their zest and passion and all of these wise people are sharing their expertise with you.  And it's FREE!  I really recommend signing up for this.  You can go to and sign up for the teleconference.  It will air May 12 - 27.

Don't let your fears hold you back, if you need help reach out for it.  If not me then perhaps one of the other speakers will be the one to help you break through.  But you have to make that first step so sign up today for the conference.  You won't regret it.

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