Monday, December 5, 2011

Listening to My Body

After a few very busy days my body tells me it's time to take it easy.  I woke up in a bit of a fog, appropriate enough considering it was so foggy outside this morning I couldn't see across the street.  I used to push myself when I felt this way, suck it up buttercup and get moving.  Then I'd end up sick or just run down and irritable. 

I'm learning to be more patient and caring toward myself.  I had a good breakfast of oatmeal and tea.  I would like to say I had vegetables at lunch but I didn't.  I felt that I needed some comforting, grounding and fun food for lunch.  I went with multigrain pancakes, a pear and turkey bacon.  I wanted to head to the diner for pancakes but I know it's a caloric hit and I prefer my bacon uncured and nitrate free.  I wasn't ambitious enough to make multigrain pancakes from scratch but Bob's Redmill makes a really good mix to which you only need to add an egg, oil and milk.  I used unsweetened coconut milk, the one that's in the refrigerated section rather than the canned kind.  Dinner is going to be a turkey meatloaf and vegetables of some sort.  Good, grounding and comforting foods. 

There will be yoga later, something to realign me and get me moving.  It will be the seventh day of my 21 day yoga challenge.  Yoga also gets me listening to my body.  I'm more aware of both my posture and how my body actually feels during the day.  The awareness helps me decide what type of yoga to do on any given day.  I don't think today's going to be the power yoga I was planning on doing.  It'll be something a little slower and holding the poses a little longer. 

I think there might be a nap in store for me too.

Want to take better care of yourself?  What would it feel like to be energized and full of vitality every day?  Think it can't happen?  I know it can.  Contact me at and we can talk further about this.  You can also visit my website at

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