Friday, December 23, 2011

Trying to Fit it All In

I know I'm not the only one who has had a busy week.  Last minute shopping, wrapping, food shopping and baking have been in the forefront.  I get tired, irritable and there's some stress involved.  I'm striving for balance but when my husband works late there's really no one else to delegate to.  So I'm taking shortcuts where I can and only doing what I really want to have done.  Does anyone care if  the cookies are from a mix or from scratch? My husband does not, as long as they taste good he's happy to have cookies.

Yes, I'm baking cookies and not only the healthy ones.  It's Christmas and some things need to be familiar.  Does that mean I'm going to eat them all?  Nope but I'm going to have a few and enjoy them.  And then I'm going to share them with family and friends so there's not a lot hanging around the house.

Exercise hasn't been as regular or intense every day but I'm getting at least a walk in.  Most days I'm also doing some yoga as well.  It keeps the irritability and stress levels lower.  It also helps me stretch out my back which is pretty necessary after an afternoon of baking!

As for meals, I'm following the 80/20 rule.  80% of the time my meals are healthy and good choices.  I have plenty of carrots, celery & hummus for savory snacks.  Sweet snacks tend to be a smoothie or some plain Geek yogurt with fruit and some cacao nibs if I feel a chocolate urge.   That leaves room for special foods, treats or some wine. 

The point is not to sress over every detail and still feel vital and energetic.  I don't want to gain weight during the holidays and I don't want to count every bite of food I eat either.  That is my balance.

Contact me if you would like support around your goals and your health.  I can be reached at or on my website,

Have a wonderful holiday!

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